Thursday 20 October 2011

Reasons for blogging...

So my sister-in-law has this blog... which is really funny. I really enjoy reading it as she has this dry humour which simply cracks me up...
So then my hubby informs me that he has one too - seriously??? Since when?
Clearly we communicate really well.

In his defence he hasn't posted in it for the last 2 years... but has picked up again...

And well...
I'm feeling left out ;)

Not really. But this blog is probably not going to be particularily funny, or deep, or anything worth anything really. It's probably going to be more of a diary. Somewhere to post my sermons once I preach them, somewhere to write how angry I really am about so many things in the world - that so few people ever see in me because I'm such a 'nice' person.

I probably wont tell too many people about this blog - certainly at first... people might get scared. I'm not sure. I don't keep too many things to myself it seems. Heart on my sleave and all that.

*note on the name... its my brother's pet name for me that no one else ever used, and so is special. Ahhh....

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